Full Name:
Email Address:
Telephone Number:
Full Address (including postcode):
Are there any access restrictions to the property (e.g., weight limits on roads or bridges, narrow lanes, narrow gates)?
Considering the access to your property and septic tank, would a smaller tanker (similar in size to a medium Ford Transit van) be required? YesNoNot Sure
Have you used our septic tank emptying service before? YesNo
Is the septic tank for a: DomesticCommercial Property
Septic Tank Location (e.g., in the garden, in a field, at the front of the property):
Septic Tank Volume: Under 3,000 litresOver 3,000 litresNot sure
If over 3,000 litres, please specify the volume:
Can one person safely lift the septic tank lid? YesNoNot sure
Distance from a suitable hardstanding area (accessible by our vehicle) to the septic tank: Under 25 metresUnder 25 metresNot Sure
If over 25 metres, please specify the distance:
Please provide any other relevant information (e.g., specific instructions, location descriptions, directions):
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